Saturday, January 30, 2010

Organic Tea Tree Oil

Many healthy benefits have been derived from the organic tea tree oil. It is considered as one of the most popular essential oils used for treatment of various illnesses and is equally known for its aromatherapy uses. It is formed through the process of steam distillation of its leaves and twigs. It can be blended with other essential oils like Lavender, Thyme, Sandalwood, Cinnamon, Lemon and Rose. It is usually pale yellowish or colorless in appearance. Its scents may be herbal, spicy, medicinal and refreshing too.

The organic tea tree oil can be used to treat acne, scars and other similar skin disorders. It is also effective in healing wounds, blisters, blemishes and inflammation. It is also effective to treat colds, bronchitis and sinuses. It can heal gum infections and soothe mouth aches. It is an effective treatment against athlete’s foot, ring worm and eczema.

This essential oil has anti-bacterial and anti-fungal properties. It is traditionally considered as a medicinal essential oil because of these properties. It is also effective against viral infections. It helps the immune system fight infections within the body when used in aromatherapy. It helps reduce back pain and other body aches by using it as massage oil for quick relief.

Those who know about the organic tea tree oil refer to it as an effective antiseptic. It is a must to have in your medicine cabinet because it could be your first aid treatment kit in case there is an emergency at your home. It is very helpful to treat burns, cuts and wounds.

It is also used in hair care products to keep hair healthy. This essential oil helps in the treatment of dandruff, lice and dry scalp. You can also use it to reduce your flu symptoms. It helps prevent urinary tract infections as well.

This essential oil is likewise effective to improve the different body functions. It helps facilitate regular bowel movement, reduce constipation, stomach cramps, menopause and premenstrual syndrome. It can reduce symptoms of anxiety, stress, nervousness, depression and other emotional problems. It can also help in reducing high blood pressure and lowering cholesterol levels. It can enhance metabolism, helps in weight loss and helps the overall body systems to function well.

The healthy benefits of the organic tea tree oil have made it to be an important ingredient of almost all hair care, skin care and body care products. It can either be used as essential oil for aromatherapy, massage oil, antiseptic, medicinal oil and bath oil. It has found its niche in the world of medicine, beauty and health care. It is just right to give the organic tea tree oil due importance it has in our life. (Jonathan Pitts)

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